
Day Care

Superior Daycare Services at Smartyca: Nurturing Every Step

Welcome to Smartyca Abu Dhabi’s esteemed Daycare Program, a part of the Shining Star Education legacy. Our daycare transcends traditional child care, offering a holistic experience that nurtures young minds. We blend attentive care with developmental activities, setting new standards in daycare excellence.

Holistic Development in Child Care

Our Philosophy: Holistic Development in Child Care

Smartyca’s daycare views each child as unique, providing a nurturing atmosphere that supports cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth and instils a love for reading.

Key Developmental Areas:

Cognitive Development : Engaging activities stimulate curiosity and learning.
Social Skills : Fostering interactions to build friendships and interpersonal skills.
Emotional Growth : Encouraging emotional expression and understanding.
Physical Activity : Promoting health and motor skills through fun activities.
Reading Habits : Introducing the joy of books to spark imagination.

Our Environment: A Safe, Engaging Space for Growth

Our daycare is designed as a safe, stimulating space with playful learning opportunities. Our facilities ensure a secure and engaging environment for your child.

A Safe, Engaging Space for Growth
Dedicated Caregivers

Dedicated Caregivers: Committed to Each Child

Our passionate caregivers provide:

Personalized attention.
Focusing on each child’s needs.
Ensuring a nurturing and fulfilling daycare experience.

Why Choose Smartyca Daycare?

Comprehensive Development : Nurturing every facet of child growth.
Expert Caregivers : Skilled in nurturing young minds.
Innovative Activities : Engaging in meaningful development.
Child-Centric : Each child is valued and nurtured.
Community Spirit : Building confident, responsible future citizens.
Smartyca Daycare

Experience the Smartyca Difference

Enrol in Smartyca’s Daycare for an enriching experience cultivating development, self-assurance, and a lasting passion for education. We turn every moment into an opportunity for your child’s holistic development.

Join Smartyca Daycare, where care meets discovery, guiding each step towards a bright and nurturing future.

Want to Know More

Join us at Smartyca, where early learning is an adventure shaping life’s journey.

Student Form